Embracing the New Moho Style

Embracing the New Moho Style


Harsest is now welcoming a new client, that brings new challenges and exiting projects for us. Moho is a Korean fashion brand that seeks to take the high road disrupting the traditional ways of thinking, to let in a dynamic process of thought, that allows new ideas, ideals and the mainstream lifestyle that keeps us looking for more.

We will be doing email marketing for them, as well as SEO and implementing a business system management.

Stay tuned to see some of the projects we’ll develop for them.


하세스트는 최근 이규호 디자이너 브랜드 MOHO와 협업 계약을 맺게 되었습니다. 브랜딩, 디지털 마케팅 분야를 통해 MOHO의 더 많은 국내/외 패션 트렌드 세터 및 팬층을 위한 전략을 수립하여 진행할 예정입니다.

모쪼록 관심있게 지켜봐주시길 희망합니다.




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