Facts about Digital Marketing you shouldn’t be missing

Facts about Digital Marketing you shouldn’t be missing

If you think marketing it’s not important, check again! In 2013, investments in digital marketing were bigger than television investments, in the USA. Traditional marketing has been losing its power over the years, and the reason is digital marketing. Social media, influencers, videos…its a long list of new ways of generating brand awareness, promoting your brand and products and connecting with your consumers.

What has accelerated the investments in digital marketing over the years? – the consumers themselves.

Many companies have already seen the results, but if you are not sure yet, take a look at these facts and benefits of applying a digital marketing strategy to your brand.

Digital Marketing connects you with your consumers, users and potential clients

The old days when finding information was a hard job, are so over. Now, you can find whenever you want and whatever you want in the internet. Your clients and consumers will be able to access information about your product or service when they want to, and see what you want to say to them.

Did you know that an 80% of the people uses internet to find information of a product before they make the decision to purchase it? Think about that.

Higher rates of conversion? You got them

You’ll be able to reach your targeted clients through the different digital channels in a more efficient way, generate potential clients quicker and have bigger conversion rates, because you can measure all the interactions and improve your strategies.

Who’s up for saving some money?

The investment made in digital marketing according to what the owners of small companies said: they considerably saved money because of they digital efforts.

You can finally offer 24/7 client support

The opportunity of being able to reply and help your clients in real time is going to have a great impact in the result of your business. Internet allows immediate communications that will provide your client satisfaction, in case they have a problem, doubts, questions, or want if they just need to communicate with you.

The Mobile consumer era has begun

Digital marketing allows you to enter this huge market. Mobile marketing generates up to 34% of organic traffic. Nowadays, mobile technology has a high influence over the behaviour of the consumers.

Digital Marketing brings more profit

A person needs at least six contact points with a brand or product before convincing themselves of buying. It’s easier when this happens in a digital level. When it happens, clients spend up to four times more then other users that didn’t have he interaction points needed.

Digital marketing brings more return of investment in your campaigns

In a report of Hubspot, was confirmed that digital marketing generates a better cor-per –lead than traditional marketing channels.

Keep the pace with your competitors

 Many companies are investing more in digital marketing, using several tools as SEO, SEM, email and content to be relevant in the market and position better their brands. This allows them to compete with bigger companies and enter new markets easily.

 …And also give some competition to bigger brands

 Not only you can keep competing with other brands in your same level, but you can also compete with much bigger companies. You don’t need to invest more in order to compete with them, you just need to be smart about it.



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